AFTER THE END- Clare Mackintosh

Having been incredibly lucky to receive this beautiful proof from Little Brown, it instantly became my next to read. I have read and loved all of Clare Mackintosh’s previous books so was desperate to get stuck into this one! A slight change from the psychological thrillers you’d normally get from Mackintosh, After the End is an overwhelmingly, emotionally heartbreaking read that touches the soul. I was so engrossed in the book that every time I closed it the story within the pages lingered in my mind leaving me further contemplating the paths of the characters and debating how I would personally react and respond in such torn circumstances.

This remarkable novel showcases what an incredible writer Mackintosh is- she shows amazing talent with her enviable story-telling skills; the book is so beautifully and eloquently written that you feel the weight of emotion being portrayed through the pages. The characters of Pip and Max are well considered and as a reader it is impossible to not become invested in their journey- their story is intoxicating and this brings the reader even closer to them. I genuinely felt emotionally involved in the story on many levels due to Mackintosh’s ability to vividly show both light and dark- the nuance of human emotion-  in the portrayal of how cruel and distressing circumstances impact the lives of even the most loving of couples. 

This has to be one of the most moving and well-penned books I’ve read recently. It is so cleverly written and put together, however, with that said for it to be fully appreciated it definitely needs to be read with little foreknowledge. It would be unjust to say much more- I just hope you love it as much as I did!


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