I have kicked off 2019 with some pretty amazing, high-quality books so far and Beth O’Leary’s debut novel is no exception- my goodness she has hit it out the park! This book is not to be mistaken for your typical romantic comedy, as it is so much more than that- a real refreshing treat from the usual countless romance stories so readily available. The hugely likeable protagonists of Tiffy and Leon, alongside a strong collection of secondary characters, each bring their own unique aspects to the story. This helps develop a witty, charming and beautiful book that you can’t help but adore. There was not a single page I turned where I wasn’t invested in the characters lives- I felt connected to each and every character and there was not a weak link; O’Leary has cleverly intertwined their stories, attributes and relationships to Tiffy and Leon to help develop a well-rounded, deeply-moving narrative.

The storyline is inspired and original; a flat share with a twist, where the characters share a bed but their lives run parallel to one another and are intended never to meet. There is a clear arrangement to prevent the two meeting however it doesn’t take long for the pair to develop a charming and endearing friendship by leaving post-it notes for one another. Whilst I’m sure we would all agree, the destination is somewhat predictable, what makes this book such a memorable and loveable read is not the destination itself (although I, as I’m sure many others loved the ending to the story), but ultimately the journey. O’Leary hasn’t just penned a straightforward romance, but has achieved a quirky and heart-warming story packed full of meaningful and noteworthy themes (omitted to avoid spoilers); subsequently striking a beautiful balance between overcoming personal issues, complex and troubling relationships and an uplifting romance with a dose of humour- a powerful read that lingered with me long after I closed the book for the last time.

The book is well written with duelling chapters from both Tiffy and Leon’s perspectives which helps keep a good pace as well as adding more depth and emotion to the story- it definitely feels more rounded with multiple perspectives. Overall, a great addition to what can sometimes be an otherwise increasingly stale genre- it’s up there as one of my favourite reads so far of 2019 and there is no surprise the book is causing a storm on social media- it’s definitely worth a valuable spot on your TBR/wish list.

I was kindly gifted this copy by Readers First and Quercus books in exchange for an honest review.
Rating: 5/5


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