THE SILENT PATIENT- Alex Michaelides

WOW- what a debut! I am a big lover of psychological thrillers and whilst this book has been causing incredible excitement across social media platforms with bloggers and readers alike, it was likely to be a book I picked up anyway. Fortunately for me, the opportunity to read this came quicker than I anticipated with a Kindle offer- I simply couldn’t let it pass me by- and here we are one day later after barely being able to put it down. With short, snappy chapters, this skilfully told story consistently keeps an enthralling pace- it’s no surprise readers are racing through it.

This fast-paced page-turner, had me gripped from the beginning all the way to the end and had me reeling with excitement and anticipation throughout. This is exactly the type of book I LOVE- a dark, psychological thriller filled with suspense and to the authors credit, ultimately manages to maintain it throughout! Whilst I am usually quite susceptible to clues that are dropped throughout books, unlike most authors, Michaelides doesn’t attempt to lead you astray; not at any point did I feel like I was making any guesses or conclusions about the outcome from his writing alone- I was left debating the possibilities until just moments before all was revealed. With the genre becoming somewhat overly saturated with psychological thrillers, it was refreshing to come across one so well written and not predictable.

The story is centered around Alicia, a silent patient who was spared jail time and who is currently residing at The Grove (a psychiatric hospital), and Theo, a criminal psychologist who has been following her story from the day she killed her husband. Both lead characters were incredibly inticing and richly layered and consequently I felt invested in them immediately- they were both strong, believable characters that helped develop the storyline as well as further characters, being carefully crafted and introduced to further contribute to the ever-growing tension.

Without a doubt this is my favourite read so far of 2019.
Rating : 5/5


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