WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING: touching and inspiring tale that leaves an aching in your heart.
Primarily a story of love, this beautifully penned debut is so much more, with mystery cleverly woven through there is no wonder it is so fondly spoken of. With so many themes intricately packed into the pages, Owens has managed to strike the perfect balance between a powerful yet tender narrative.

Masterfully written, Owens is subtle in her story telling avoiding any explicit plot points and largely alluding to the details- a show not tell approach that allows you to become fully immersed. The way the story is told makes you think beyond the written words. The writing is fluid, rhythmic and enthralling and reads like poetry- a true testament to Owens writing ability.

An ode to nature, Owens has achieved and appreciative account of the natural world we live in. The imagery was some of the best I have encountered allowing me as a reader to visualise every natural species, the churning of the waters, the sea air on my face and so much more; it is drenched in detail allowing me to not just read the book but experience it.

Similarly the characterisation was also perfectly pitched. Kya is a strong and worthy protagonist that radiates resilience, showcases her imperfections and is a meaningful character that grows with the story. The book- a rollercoaster coming of age tale- follows Kya through the highs of love and survival and the lows of loss, desperation and abandonment leaving the reader feeling every emotion for Kya and the secondary characters that are undoubtedly an integral part of the story. A stand out and memorable novel- it is deeply rooted with hope and was a privilege to read.


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