ASK AGAIN, YES- Mary Beth Keane

ASK AGAIN, YES: dynamic dialogue of human emotion.

The story follows two families- the Gleesons and the Stanhopes- over 40 years with protagonists Peter and Kate being central and pivotal in the unfolding of this novel. Throughout the pages you are taken on an emotional journey through family drama, addiction, relationships, trauma, addiction, forgiveness and adultery resulting in a complex and gripping narrative. With skilful writing and incredible characterisation, Mary Beth Keane has produced an incredible prose- each chapter whilst switching through various viewpoints, all tie beautifully together seamlessly allowing all the pieces to fall into place as well as explaining the impact of events throughout- it really is a masterpiece!

The characterisation for me was the biggest triumph. Mary Beth Keane has successfully managed a strong repertoire of characters, both major and minor, that all play their own part in the unfolding of this tale. They’re are all complex and highly flawed characters that are full of raw emotion and passion making them endearing and captivating. This adds so much depth to the story as you learn more about them and the events in their life that shape them in an honest and exposed way. Whilst it shows the reality of life- a confusing and sometimes messy path full of crossroads- it showcases and evokes compassion and empathy in abundance.

As an extremely hyped book I was definitely wary starting this one, however I know I’ll only be adding to the excitement and sharing the love for this book as it completely lived up to the high expectations.

5 stars.

I was gifted this book by Michael Joseph Books as part of a campaign with Hello Stella Social.


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