OVERDRAWN: hard-hitting dystopian tale!

With little prior knowledge of the content and just the synopsis and press release to go by that only alluded to a plot line, it’s no surprise that this book had the power to pull you in whole-heartedly. A dystopian view on our world, the book is centered around the notion of there being limited resources; people are credited depending on their usefulness within society and healthcare is expensive to prevent people seeking medical assistance and to promote euthanasia. Whilst an uneasy topic and at times difficult to read, it made for an emotional story that you can’t help but be invested in regardless of your own personal views on the abundance of controversial themes that run throughout the novel.
The two main characters, Henry, a 60 year old gentleman taking care of his wife who has dementia, and Kaitlyn, an outspoken waitress fighting to keep her brother alive on life support meet with a chance encounter. If like me, you are someone who champions fantastic characterisation, then you are in for a treat. Crosskey has created the most beautiful relationship between the two main protagonists that is infectious and blossoms through other characters that touch their lives. Heartwarming and heartbreaking in equal measures, this powerful read encourages reflection but also leaves you hungrily devouring the dual chapters that cleverly allow the story to unravel. Overall, a beautifully written emotional journey that stays with you.

4.5 stars.

I was gifted this book by Legend Press in exchange for an honest review.


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