POSTSCRIPT- Cecelia Ahern

POSTSCRIPT: emotional, and moving sequel.

Being a huge fan of PS I LOVE YOU, I couldn’t help but feel excitement upon hearing of Postscript, however, this was most certainly mixed with apprehension; I worried how such a powerful novel could be followed up in a way that added value and did Holly’s story justice. Despite my concerns, Ahern has done an incredible job at penning Holly’s journey through life post Gerry and in such a compassionate and poignant way. With themes of grief, loss, mortality and elements of palliative care, it was understandably heart-wrenching and heart-warming in equal measures due to the light and hope that is woven into the narrative. The complexity of emotions- at times raw and unexplainable- was so beautifully encapsulated that it was impossible to not become fully immersed and equally emotional. 

As I read the first chapter of Holly’s life over 10 years ago, I loved revisiting Holly’s world and felt waves of nostalgia as I remembered it fondly. Likewise, I adored hearing more about Denise and Sharon and how their lives had developed which was so naturally built that it felt like little time had passed between reading the two books- a clear testament to how Ahern has stayed true to her original story. Whilst it is ultimately a sequel to an incredible debut novel, the story itself stands up as a  beautifully emotive read that is easily readable as a stand alone novel as well as building on the narrative of its predecessor for those who have eagerly awaited for more. 

4.5 stars 


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